நஸ்ரடமேஸ் ஒரு அதிசய மனிதர் என்பதில் இந்த சந்தேகமும் இல்லை . இவர் 1503 ஆம் ஆண்டு பிறந்தார் . இவருடைய இந்த திர்க்கதரிசன எண்ணங்கள் [esp power] திடீரென்று அவர் மனதில் உதிக்க தோன்றின. பெரும்பாலும் பிரெஞ்சு நாட்டு அரசியல் நடப்புகளை எழுதத் தொடங்கினர் .பிரெஞ்சு மன்னர் ஒரு விளையாட்டு ஒன்றில் இறந்து விடுவர் என்று சொன்ன போது நடந்தது . ஆனால் அந்த நேரத்தில் , the ancient french govenors belived this magician as a evil , so during the french revolution time most of bravers books was vanished out, they were also punished. so that purpose he wrote most of his imagination of future aspect as a poem style.this was written in french, spanish and latein , so this must be a harsh to read english philoshipher . many of tanslation books are availabe in market now, so what is the interesting matter ? he wrote quantraines , which contain 100 quantraines to one centurary , so he sccusfuly finished 942 quantrains . this quantrains wrote as centurary 1 to 10 . each centuary he anticipated lot of events , just the famous dictator hitlor ,his rises and falls .death of henry , fire of london , about diana , september 11 attack also included . so his future prophecy is quit interesting and make litte frighten to all of us . what are they? let's we see n tamil . ....... i am trynig n tamil typping .but difficult to follow .ok so let s we see n english . in 2009-2012 some prestiseous prophecy about world war iii , some antichrist countries like iran pakistan, north korea will be make crucial war against two big superpowers that s may be america and china . this war will be made nuclear war . meditaranian countries like italy and most of tha european countries endangered by unexpetted situation . poverty ,food wasting , valcanos , earth quakes , floods will damage most of the europian countries ,devastation of casual sand occur by dirty hand . so what will be expected n india and srilanka . in future story india is the super power country , one man army of the world , n this time most of asian countries will develop curiuosly. but this better future will come after the vast devastaion of big area n india , that may be a pungab district , or may be others, but this destroyment happen due to nuclier power , so porpose of this nuclier radiation , this will make huge waves n ocean , so we can except another tusnami n srilanka ? ....... let 's we wait until tremendus tusnami attack n srilanka . life s not n our hand . ....?
some useful internet sites about this
http://classroom2007.blogspot.com/2007/03/11.html [[tamil site ]]